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Vol. 64 (1985): Our Past


The Cathedral Church of St Stanisław Kostka in Łódź

  • Zbigniew Wieczorek
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1985-12-30


The Cathedral of St Stanisław in Łódź was built in the neo-Gothic style. It is an oriented building, built on a Latin cross plan, with brick as the material and sandstone for the columns. The construction of the church began in 1901 and lasted - with breaks - until December 22, 1912, when Fr. Karol Szmidel consecrated it. The tower, which was built in 1912-1916, remained to be completed, while the spire was completed in 1927. The building is a three-nave basilica, topped with a high tower on the western side. At the intersection of the main nave and the transept there is a small, slender bell tower. From the beginning it was decided that the church would be placed under the patronage of St. Stanisław Kostka. Then, with the establishment of the Łódź diocese, on December 10, 1920, the church was built as a cathedral. The author of the church design was Zellman, an entrepreneur from Berlin. Although he developed the first project, which later underwent major changes, Zellman's role was modest. Similarly to the Łódź company Zarske i Wende, whose only contribution was changing Zellman's design according to the guidelines of S. Odrzywolski and J. Dziekoński, because due to its lack of competence, the church management thanked it for the first stage of construction. The final shape of the church was undoubtedly given by Polish architects Dziekoński and Odrzywolski. Due to their authority and influence, they persuaded the contractor to choose the implementation of Zellman's design, revised and improved by these two architects. They slightly changed the shape and proportions of the church. Architect Zygfryd Stem was the person who undertook the most important work to give the church its final appearance. While Dziekoński and Odrzywolski shaped its external appearance, Stern designed the interior, which was carried out under his direction by various construction companies. Most of the details were designed by Stern.


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