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Vol. 70 (1988): Our Past


New Polish churches, creation or tradition?

  • T. Przemysław Szafer
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1988-12-30


The article raises the issue of religious construction in Poland, wondering whether new churches are the result of creativity or a continuation of tradition. The author notes that the last two decades have brought a significant number of newly built churches, investment projects and implementations. Despite the application of the principles of modernist spatial design, new churches in Poland still follow traditional architectural patterns. The author wonders whether this situation results from the emotional climate accompanying contemporary religious construction or is it the result of strict historical styles. He draws attention to the variety of spatial solutions in new Polish churches and suggests that their analysis and classification are difficult. Will contemporary religious architecture continue this diversity? The author emphasizes that the new architecture of churches brings a variety of spatial solutions that are difficult to clearly classify. Discussing discussions on the pluralism of spatial forms, the author draws attention to the need to balance freedom in design with maintaining liturgical and spiritual requirements. Based on the papers from the symposium in Kazimierz Dolny in 1982, the author emphasizes the importance of the designer's personality, ability to limit and simplicity in the context of building new churches. He also warns against excessive abuse of architectural means of expression, which may lead to a loss of connection with the liturgy and excessive decorativism. The author draws attention to the need to maintain a certain architectural standard, while avoiding exaggeration and art for art's sake. Will the new religious architecture maintain traditional patterns or will it follow in the footsteps of modernism? The author emphasizes that we will be able to answer these questions only after some time, when new churches become part of history and are assessed in the context of social and architectural changes. It also raises the question of whether the thousands of churches built in recent years deserve separate treatment, and whether their diversity may be the best path to creativity in the future.


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