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Vol. 80 (1993): Our Past


Pre-canonisation cult of St Stanisław the Bishop

  • Jerzy Rajman
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1993-12-30


The cult of the Bishop of Kraków, Stanisław, canonized in 1253, has not yet received a satisfactory monograph, and there are various, often contradictory, opinions about his period before his canonization. Based on the chronicle of Wincenty Kadłubek and the so-called the Stanisław legend, it is possible to establish the existence of already lost sources in which the transfer of Stanisław's bones from "Skałka" to the Wawel Cathedral in 1088 was recorded. Both works testify to the tradition according to which the beginnings of the cult on "Skałka" date back to the years 1079-1088, but its development took place only after the relics were transferred to the cathedral. Around the middle of the 12th century, thanks to the bishop of Krakow, Mateusz, the tombstone of St. Stanisław in the cathedral with an epitaph praising the martyrdom and holiness of Stanisław. The founders of the cult were the cathedral community, the Toporczyk family from Morawica near Krakow, as well as some knightly families in Silesia and the Premonstratensian abbey of St. Wincentego in Wrocław. It is possible that this cult also reached Bohemia in the second half of the 12th century thanks to the Premonstratensians; clear traces of this can be found in the Vita des Sei, written before 1250. In the first half of the 13th century, this cult developed intensively in the Kraków diocese. Stanisław was dealt with in his chronicle by WIncenty Kadłubek, and the first biography of the saint was written by the Dominican Wincenty from Kielcza. Both works contain the oldest known descriptions of Stanisław's miraculous deeds. In 1242, the Bishop of Krakow, Prandota, ordered the relics to be moved to a new tomb in the cathedral. Before 1221, a ceremonial procession was held to commemorate the transfer of the saint's remains from "Skałka" to the cathedral. At that time, the cult of Stanisław was common in all social classes and in most principalities of contemporary Poland.


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