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Vol. 81 (1994): Our Past


Poles in Hungary in 1918-1939

  • Janusz Kusek
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1994-06-30


Polish emigration to Hungary in the interwar period was not large (from 10 to 20 thousand people), but it played an important role due to the historical ties between the two nations. It consisted of economic emigrants, mostly from Lesser Poland (Podkarpacie), and political emigrants from the former Russian Poland and from the times of World War I. Poles conducted social and cultural activities within numerous organizations. The most important of them were: the Brotherhood Union (1874), the Workers' Union "Syła" (1891), the Christian-Polish Union in Hungary "Przyjaźń" (1848), "Jutrzenka" (1912), the Communist Party of Polish Workers (1919), the Union Polish in Hungary (1921), Polish Workers' Union (1929). Polish schools, organized since 1922, played an important role - primarily by the Polish Sisters of St. Elizabeth. Polish language corrections were made at the university, at the technical school and high school in Budapest and at the university in Debrecen. Activities undertaken on the occasion of various anniversaries, anniversaries and national holidays also served a synthesizing function. For Poles living in Hungary, the activities of church institutions were important. They focused around the Polish church built in Budapest in 1930 thanks to the efforts of the distinguished priest Wincenty Danek. The contribution of the Elizabethan nuns and the Pauline monastery in Budapest was also significant. The efforts of the Polish clergy in Hungary were supported by the Polish government and the benefactor of Polish emigrants, Cardinal A. Hlond.


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