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Vol. 84 (1995): Our Past


The problem of anti-Semitism in the pages of "Przegląd Katolicki" in the years 1863-1914

  • Krzysztof Lewalski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1995-12-30


"Przegląd Katolicki" was the only periodical devoted to social and religious topics published in the Kingdom of Poland (then part of the Russian Empire) in the second half of the 19th century. Most of the texts were written by clergy, and some of them were later to receive high church promotions. In the 1860s and 1870s, Przegląd Katolicki did not attach much importance to the issue of relations with Jews. However, at the beginning of the next decade, the growing wave of anti-Semitism prompted "Przegląd Katolicki" to devote more attention to Jews and, to some extent, respond to the prevailing climate of opinion. The monthly magazine did not distance itself from calls to fight Jews on the economic, social and political levels in order to limit their influence in the Christian community. Racial anti-Semitism, however, was condemned in strong words and considered incompatible with Church doctrine. But even then, the opinions and judgments of "Przegląd Katolicki" were not free from excessive simplifications: Jews were usually treated as a tight community, connected by bonds of unshakable solidarity. Moreover, for many authors, the activities in which Jews typically engaged were an example of the abhorrent workings of capitalism. As a result, the evil of this system was blamed on the Jews. As anti-Semitic sentiments intensified, Przegląd Katolicki began to consider ways to solve the Jewish problem. One of them was conversion. However, as it became increasingly clear that conversion could only be effective in individual cases, the editors gradually shifted their sympathies to the isolationist program of Fr. Morawski. He advocated the complete isolation of the Christian community from the Jews. Christians were to develop strong bonds of solidarity and ignore Jews.


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