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Vol. 84 (1995): Our Past


The pastoral activities of Bishop Stanisław Wojciech Okoniewski 1926-1939

  • Jan Walkusz
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1995-12-30


Bishop Stanisław Wojciech Okoniewski, the first Polish diocesan bishop of the Chełmno diocese after long years of national captivity, went down in history as the one who initiated structural transformations and organized church life in Pomerania during the Second Polish Republic. After taking over the management of the diocese in 1926, he began to systematically visit all parishes, and the experience gained in this way suggested to him the need to reform the diocesan administration. This involved regulating the network of parishes and deaneries, expanding the episcopal curia, and preparing and conducting a diocesan synod. Perhaps the greatest change resulting from Bishop Okoniewski's initiative occurred in the area of clerical formation. In 1927, a new ratio of studiorum was introduced in the seminary. The existing subjects were significantly expanded, the program was enriched with new subjects and scientific seminars, which was possible thanks to the expansion and appropriate preparation of the professorial staff - both in the seminary and in the high school "Collegium Marianum" under the patronage of the bishop. The thorough modification of the bachelor's examinations for the clergy was aimed primarily at the basic training of pastors in the main theological areas. The bishop was also the creator of maritime pastoral care, which was something completely new in pastoral theology at that time. He paid particular attention to the religious education of his dioceses and their apostolic commitment, and the development of church organizations and associations, especially Catholic Action.


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