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Vol. 86 (1996): Our Past


The house of the Daughters of Charity and the Hospital of the Lord's Transfiguration in Poznań (1822-1914)

  • Bronisława Majchrzycka
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1996-12-30


The history of the community of the Daughters of Charity and the Hospital of the Lord's Transfiguration in Poznań (1822-1914) began in 1822, when the city, as a result of the partitions, came under the rule of Prussia after the Congress of Vienna. The initiative to build a Catholic hospital came from a group called the Committee of Poles, which obtained the consent of the Prussian authorities for the project, but later tried to make the sisters subservient and pressure them to adapt to the policy of imposing the German language. The Prussian administration of the Grand Duchy of Poznań always wanted the Poznań community to subordinate its interests to Warsaw. Their pressure resulted in the creation of a separate province of the Sisters in 1850 near Poznań. From that moment on, the house of the Transfiguration of the Lord took further steps towards independence, establishing new communities in Greater Poland, Pomerania and Warmia. In 1863, when relations with the Prussian authorities were deteriorating, the board of the Congregation decided to move the provincial seat from Poznań to Chełmno on the Vistula River. Despite these changes, the Poznań community was constantly growing and the hospital was constantly expanded. The sisters helped organize the Societies of St. Vincent de Paul for men and women and supported their activities. In the years 1845-1867, Sister Rozalia Studzińska took over the management of the hospital. The sisters made efforts to attract good doctors for their hospital, which were largely successful. During World War I, the hospital was taken over by the Germans, and the sisters only cared for wounded German soldiers. However, after the end of the war, the Daughters of Charity made efforts to restore normal functioning of the hospital.


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