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Vol. 137 No 2 (2022): Our Past


Correspondence between the Custody of the Holy Land and the authorities of the Republic of Poland between 1671 and 1699

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Publiée: 2022-12-31


In the second half of the 17th century, the Custodians of the Holy Land addressed directly the authorities of the Kingdom of Poland. The correspondence included requests for numerous interventions regarding the return of holy places to the Franciscan monks, from which they were removed by various means by schismatic people, but with the approval of the High Porte. About 45 from 235 writings refer to Poland. It should be noted that this collection is incomplete. In those letters the Custodians of the Holy Land presented to the Polish secular and clerical dignitaries the situation of the Custody of the Holy Land to a greater or lesser extent. The latter, in their response, expressed concern for the holy places and/or assured that they would try to return them to their former possession for the Franciscan monks. In addition to the above-mentioned issues, the letters also dealt with marginal topics, e.g. showing concern for the royal court or expressing cordiality with regard to the election of a new Polish king or informing about the election of the Custodian of the Holy Land. The Holy See, its envoys and royal legates to the High Porte also intervened in the restitution of holy places in Palestine. The Custody of the Holy Land also played an important role in this regard, sending two of its representatives to Poland. One of them, Fr. Grzegorz Babinkiewicz, even took part in Jan Gniński’s mission to the Turkish court, during which the question of the Holy Places in Palestine was discussed.


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