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Vol. 5 (2012)


Legal Status of the Vindicative Legatee (Selected Issues)

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Published: 2012-12-31


Introduction to polish legal system a vindicative legacy is the next stage of the law of inheritance reform. An exception to the principle of the passing of the whole estate directly to the next of kin, legatum per vindicationem, causes substantive effects, what means that at the moment of the opening the inheritance, law prescribed for the entitled in legacy is transferring to the legatee. Acquisition of legacy at the moment of the opening the inheritance has, the same as acquisition of inheritance, temporary character. Vindicative legatee has right to make a statement on accepting or rejecting of legacy. The provision of the vindicative legatee statement could be only accepting or rejecting of legacy. Differently than in the case of heir, the vindicative legatee does not have possibility to change the scope of responsibility for inheritance debts through making a statement on accepting of inheritance with proper provision (accepting directly or with inventory). The scope of responsibility of the legatee for inheritance debts was limited statutory in the value of vindicative legacy subject according to the condition and prices at the moment of the opening the inheritance - limitation pro viribus patrimonii. Before a moment of the inheritance divide, vindicative legatees with heirs are jointly and severally liable for the heritance debts, but from the moment of the inheritance divide vindicative heirs and legatees are liable for the inheritance debts proportional to the received increment values. Mechanism of the distribution the weight of the inheritance debts for these two categories of subjects means that - from the material point of view - vindicative legacy is the appointment of the inheritance in the range of one subject, not legacy.


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