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Bd. 22 Nr. 2 (2014)

Teologia pastoralna

“Proście Pana żniwa”. Osiemdziesiąt lat praktyki dnia kapłańskiego

DOI: https://doi.org/10.34839/wpt.2014.22.2.191-202  [Google Scholar]
Veröffentlicht: 2019-12-16


The number and quality of priestly and religious vocations is the key issue for the life of the Church. The practice of so – called first Thursdays of the month originated in the Church in 1934. It involves offering within a given day of every month of the mass and Holy Communion as well as other prayers, work, suffering and joy through the intercession of Mary, for the sanctification of priests and religious persons, and for the numerous and good vocations to the service of God. The initiator of this practice was a Salvatorian priest, Fr. Paschalis Schmid (1887–1957). The article “Pray to the Lord of the harvest”. Eighty years of celebrating the Priest’s Day shows an overview of the origins and the essential elements of this pastoral initiative, highlighting its timeliness, which is not so much due to the respect for history, but because it touches the sensitive element of the vocation Ministry.


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