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Vol. 27 No. 1 (2019): John Paul II


‘Self-Gift’ in the Sacrament of Marriage in John Paul II’s Teachings

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2019-07-11


This article presents the papal theology of the body within the scope which concerns the sacramental grace given to a man and a woman in the marriage. This grace, in a special way, concerns relationships created by a man because it is they that were deprived of the basic dimension of the unselfish gift by original sin. This gift was given to a man by the Creator and on the basis of this gift the man had to share himself with another human being. The incarnation of the Son of God was God's response to the mistrust that undermined the communion of God with a man, together with the essential human communion, that is, the marriage. Through the sacraments we have access to the fruits of the Passover of Christ. In the sacrament of marriage these fruits enable people to enter again into a dimension of the selfless gift of the self given to another person.


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