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Vol. 22 No. 2 (2014)

Biblical theology

St. Paul on the Macedonian part of Via Egnatia (Acts 16, 11-12; 17, 1)

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Published: 2019-12-16


When St. Paul first set foot on the European continent, he travelled along the routes of the ancient province of Macedonia. The cities which he chose as his missionary destinations were not accidental. In fact, almost all of them were located along the Roman military route called Via Egnatia, which was laid down to allow for the smooth redeployment of troops through the harsh mountainous stretches of Macedonia. Although the Apostle’s journey along Via Egnatia was passed over in silence by the author of the Acts, it does not mean that the said road did not play an important role during Paul’s missionary journeys. Thanks to historical, archaeological and literary reconstruction, we can now prove that, although Via Egnatia was not of great importance for Paul’s missionary strategy, it significantly contributed to the expansion of Christianity and the development of the Early Church.


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