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Vol. 28 No. 1 (2020)

Systematic theology

Importance of Ecclesiastical Universities for the Church and the World of Science

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2020-06-29


The assessment of the importance of ecclesiastical universities depends on the attitude to the Church and its mission, as well as understanding the relationship between it and the world. The word “world” is not unambiguous. The Bible sees the world as the place of God’s action, and, on the other hand, it calls “the world” everything that opposes God. Therefore, religious universities must discern when to cooperate or wrestle with the world. One of the planes is recognising the truth and the way leading to it. The problem appears to be urgent since today, in many academic circles, the so-called post-truth has been held in high esteem, or the concept of truth is reduced to arbitrarily indicated areas. Under these circumstances, ecclesiastical universities should promote interdisciplinary reflection open to reality in all its dimensions of reason, experience, and faith. Their models depend on ecclesiology models. A certain pluralism is possible and necessary here. However, it is essential that the Church, through its universities, is not afraid to speak with its own voice, sometimes going against the current, but it is ready for dialogue with unlike-minded ones. In every model of the university, quality is crucial, which is also a dimension of ecclesiology. It is precisely the quality of Church high schools that decides whether they will be able to play a significant role in the world of science. The article present the importance of this goal, the paths that the Church can take towards it and the difficulties that can be encountered.


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