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Vol. 28 No. 1 (2020)

Pastoral theology

The Concept of Christian Solidarity as a Path to Peace and Development

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2020-06-29


Throughout the centuries and in modern times the Church in her teaching has interpreted and continues to interpret the events and phenomena occurring in the world in the light of God’s Revelation. The question of solidarity is not new and was already grounded in law in ancient times. The concept of Christian solidarity both among people and among nations presented here is every person’s duty arising from the Bible. Its implementation on an international and interpersonal level has a positive impact on the lives of individuals and societies. The Church’s vision of Christian solidarity helps us to see a person, a people or a nation not as an instrument but as a neighbour in need of support. The solidarity proposed by the Popes is a path to peace and development. According to them, world peace is impossible if the people responsible for it do not recognize that interdependence in itself requires that the politics of the blocs be done away with, all forms of economic, military or political imperialism be abandoned, while mutual distrust be transformed into cooperation.


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