Ratzinger’s Trinitarian Ontology and Its Patristic Roots: The Breakthrough of Introduction to Christianity 5-33 Giulio Maspero PDF
The Mystery of the Trinity according to Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI 35-60 Dariusz Kowalczyk PDF (Italiano)
Theology of the Word of God in the Apostolic Exhortation Verbum Domini by Benedict XVI 61-84 Janusz Królikowski PDF
Christological "Once for All" of the Revelation versus Marian Dogmas in Joseph Ratzinger’s Theology 85-136 Sławomir Zatwardnicki PDF
Voice of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI in Defence of the Eucharist as a Propitiatory Sacrifice in the Context of the Catholic-Protestant Controversy 137-177 Jacek Froniewski PDF
Placing Joseph Ratzinger within the “Synthetic” Tradition... of the Theological Anthropology of the Heart 179-217 Peter John McGregor PDF
Augustine and "the Pure in Heart" in Benedict XVI’s Jesus of Nazareth 219-241 William M. Wright IV PDF
The Renewed Christocentric Synthesis in Joseph Ratzinger’s Logos-centric Symphony 243-262 Roland Millare PDF
A Call to Authentic Discipleship: Pope Benedict XVI, Kierkegaard and Entweltlichung 263-279 Emery de Gaál PDF
Joseph Ratzinger: Evangelical Ecumenist or How to Argue With a Traditional Protestant Over the Immaculate Conception 281-296 Tim Perry PDF
"How is man saved?" An Essential Contribution by Joseph Ratzinger to the Theology of Religions 297-320 Marco Vanzini PDF