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Tom 24 Nr 1 (2016)

Teologia pastoralna

Teksty literackie w podręcznikach do religii z serii Odsłonić twarz Chrystusa dla gimnazjum

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 15.11.2019


Literary texts show and introduce people to some useful truths and messages, moral guidelines and warnings, tips concerning the progress, ideals and guiding lights, instructions and models of the decent life. They also provide the important help in the religious education. On the basis of the textbooks for teaching the religion for junior high school from the series “Odsłonić twarz Chrystusa”, there have been presented some literary texts from these textbooks. The author portrayed some epic texts in the textbook for the first grade, lyrical texts in the textbook for the second grade and selected texts placed in the textbook for the third grade of Middle School. In each case they pointed to the connection of literary texts with the subject of the specific unit. In the textbooks chosen for analysis a great diversity of literary texts can be noticed. It intensifies the contents included in the individual subjects and can contribute to the development of faith. These literary texts present important values, such as love or family. Those values can support adolescents in overcoming many difficulties present in the modern world.


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