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No. 4 (12) (2024)


A historical account of gun laws in the Polish lands from the regaining of independence to the present day

  • Robert Kucharski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2025-01-17


Regaining independence and reuniting Polish lands into a single social and political organism required legislators to work tirelessly to unify various legal systems, practices and legal customs inherited from the occupiers. It was no different in the area of regulating access to weapons, especially firearms. The regulations in force under the occupiers treated access to firearms in different ways, which over time forced Polish legislators to unify regulations in this area. This study discusses selected regulations regulating
access to weapons on Polish lands in the interwar period. An analysis of the historical legal status regarding access to firearms on Polish lands indicates a gradual restriction of the initially relatively free right to possess weapons. As always, this is related to political changes and the progressive etatization of social life before the outbreak of World War II and the turbulent war
events on Polish lands.


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