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No. 2/17 (2022)


Text-image relationship in advertising and its multimodal-intertextual nature

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2022-12-16


The aim of this article is to explore the multimodal nature of advertising, which largely relies on two semiotic systems – text and image, to convey its persuasive message. Although the image and text materialize through different forms and signs, by interacting with each other, they begin to merge into one plane of communication, complementing each other both in terms of form and content. The combinations of text and image are not only attractive to the recipient but also generate new associations and to a varying degree affect the reception and understanding of the content. Therefore, it is important to name such relationships in order to define their extent and perceptual potential. The discussed relationships between text and image – spatial, syntactic, informative and rhetorical-semantic, were analysed according to the proposal of H. Stöckel and are part of the research apparatus of multimodal text linguistics. In addition, the paper focuses on the differences and similarities between the image and the text, and also draws attention to intertextuality and intervisuality, which often form an integral part of the advertisement.


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