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No. 13 (2019)


Functional illiteracy as a new form of civilization risk

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2020-03-25


The article discusses the problem of functional illiteracy as a new form of civilization risk. Careful consideration is given to the links between this characteristic of a modern person and the process of globalization under the influence of which Russian classical school has been transformed totally. Some similarities among today observable personal traits including functional illiteracy as typical characteristics of an average representative of a modern young generation and a model of a future man described in B. Russell’s works are analyzed. The results of experimental research, which prove that personality characteristics planned in XX century are becoming a reality, are represented. The author draws an analogy of distinguished features of a human being belonging to the future, which are regarded as the basic ones in a modern society, with the main needs and interests of proles described by G. Orwell in his famous novel. Also the author puts forward some arguments in favour of the existence of causal relationship between a new model of a human being, which is actively pushed forward into the Russian society, and the problem of the clash of civilizations discussed in S.P. Huntington’s article and book.


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