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No. 9 (2015)


Epithets and expressions concerning Our Lady from „Hours about the Immaculate Conception Our Lady”

Published: 2015-10-01


In the article one presented epithets and expressions concerning Our Lady from „Hours about the Immaculate Conception Our Lady”. A base of the selection of passwords is the hymn-book „Adoration, my soul, Lord. The hymn-book” in the system of Felix Bączkowski (Warsaw 1956 Pax). In „Hours” Epithets appear, expressions appearing in „Hours” are for example Ark of the Covenant (Arka Przymierza), the paradisiacal Gate (Brama rajska), Portes drowning (Port tonących), the Sweet Guardian (Słodka Opiekunka)Used by saints, theologians and Christian writers epithets Our Lady not all entered „Hours”. In the text they do not appear: altare ‘the altar’ (Saint Ambrose); domum sapientiae ‘the House Sapiential’ (St. Jerome), hortus Patris ‘the garden of Father/Paternal’ (Chrysippus, the monk with V century), terra Domini Benedicta Your ‘earth blessed’ (Younger Arnobius, the African monk with V century). The today's reader and the participant of the service of Hours which more and more often fade in many parishes, is charmed a knowledge of the Bible by old authors and harkings back to inspired verses and with figurative senses.


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