This article discusses the peculiarity and style, as well as the generic structure, of recipes by Marta Gessler published in “Wysokie Obcasy” (High Heels – a women’s magazine) – a supplement to the “Gazeta Wyborcza” newspaper. In the press article the recipes are organised into an established generic structure, comprising the introductory part, composed of the title and the lead, and the next part, the main body, which contains the list of ingredients, information about their quantities and detailed instructions concerning the preparation of the dish. Recipes by Marta Gessler reflect the traditional variant of the generic model, and yet are more complex, since they were enriched with the author’s comments. By means of reminiscences, anecdotes, descriptions, stories narratives, or short stories, the texts of the restaurateur catch the reader’s attention and bestow the text with a distinct character.
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