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Vol. 131 (2019): Nasza Przeszłość


„Like a most caring mother tending her child”. The activities of Mother Kazimiera Gruszczyńska to prepeare the Franciscan Sisters of Suffering for nursing work

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Published: 2019-06-30


In 1882, the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of Suffering was founded in Warsaw as one of the hidden life congregations formed on the initiative of Fr. Honorat Koźmiński. The aim of the congregation was to take care of the suffering and the needy. From the beginning of its existence, the Congregation was managed by Kazimiera Gruszczyńska, its founder. Realizing the great needs in the care of the sick, both in hospitals and other establishments, as well as in private homes, she treated this service as one of the most important duties of the sisters. The superior took care that the sisters were educated in nursing from the moment they joined the convent. She herself developed documents and instructions to help the work with the sick, directed the sisters to courses and trainings, and supervised their work with patients. She led to the construction of a hospital in Warsaw, the so-called "Sanatorium", one of the most modern at that time, also serving as a place for practical training for Franciscan Sisters. In Kazimiera Gruszczyńska's plans there was also the establishment of a nursing school, but due to multiple difficulties, she had to give up this intention. It is worth noting that the Mother Superior's actions aimed at preparing the sisters for the best possible work with the sick were, for those times, innovative for the vocational training of nurses. Not having medical training herself, she understood the needs and requirements in this area perfectly well. At the same time, she took care that the professional preparation should be strongly linked to the authentic religiousness of the sisters. The Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of Suffering, based on Franciscan spirituality, derives from it the basic apostolate of serving the suffering, presented many times in the Constitutions and other documents, as well as in the writings and activities of K. Gruszczyńska.


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