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Vol. 128 (2017): Nasza Przeszłość


The dissolution of the Trinitarian monastery in Krotoszyn and the history of its spiritual legacy

  • Mirosława Sobczyńska-Szczepańska
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2017-12-30


The Trinitarian monastery in Krotoszyn shared the fate of other convents of the Greater Poland, which, after the second partition of Poland, found themselves within the borders of the Kingdom of Prussia. As a result of a repressive policy towards the Church, the number of members of the monastic community fell drastically and its state of possession diminished significantly. Both under the Prussian rule and during the existence of the Duchy of Warsaw, by the decision of state authorities, some monastery rooms were confiscated and turned into storerooms and offices. The monastery was closed in 1819, when – after the death of the superior Fr. Jan Szkaradowicz – only one monk remained. An interim priest was appointed for the church, since 1824 it was administered by the parish priest of Krotoszyn and in 1925 the parish of St. Apostles Peter and Paul was established. The monastery building was turned into the seat of the district school in 1836, later a primary and secondary school and since 1881 of army and civil offices. Since 1969 the building has housed the Regional Museum of Krotoszyn. Post-Trinitarian buildings remained unchanged – only a two-storey gallery was demolished (in 1836). The interior design was preserved with the exception of a few effigies of saints, among them the figure of Jesus of Nazareth the Ransomed exposed in the main altar, characteristic for the iconography of the Trinitarian Order. Liturgical equipment was dispersed among the parish church and poor churches from the Archdioceses of Gniezno and Poznan. Some monastery documents and books remaining after the dissolution of the monastery were handed over to the State Archive of the Kingdom of Prussia in Poznan in 1869 and others to the Archdiocesan Archive in Poznan in 1935. The latter ones became lost.


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