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Vol. 127 (2017): Nasza Przeszłość


Saint Joseph Calasanz and the beginnings of the Order of the pious schools- jubilee celebrations

  • Agnieszka Szmerek
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2017-06-30


In 2017 the Piarists are celebrating a double jubilee. The celebrations are intended to commemorate the canonization of Saint Joseph Calasanz and the beginnings of the Order founded by him. It is worth remembering that in previous years, similarly to the present times, the Piarists also understood the need to commemorate important events of their history, since such celebrations are extremely important for the identity of the Order. They allow to rediscover the spiritual heritage and the tasks designated by their Founder. They also provide an opportunity to promote Calasanzian spirituality, and to stress the important role of upbringing and education in shaping social life.


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