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Vol. 126 (2016): Our Past


15th century statue of the Virgin Mary and Child in Krzywaczka as an example of a late work in international style from the Lesser Poland region about 1400

  • Iwona Darska
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2016-12-30


The article presents the history of the statue of Virgin Mary and Child in Krzywaczka, from the fifteenth century, especially the changes it was subjected to over the centuries as a result of different unprofessional repairs. The last conservation revealed in details the range of those repairs and therefore made it possible to find a more precise date of creation and the artistic genesis of the sculpture. Despite the strong inspiration from Czech and Austrian art, the Virgin in Krzywaczka, has to be seen as the work of the Lesser Poland School. The statue of such artistry level could have been created in this region, although in this period Lesser Poland School was going through its so called transitional period. Regardless of this fact, it can be assumed that the statue in Krzywaczka copies the general rhythm of draperies of stone sculpture of the ‘Beautiful Madonna of Krumlow’, although in its later edition, more similar to this of statue from Vimperk, showing a relapse of motives common at the end of the fourteenth century and in the first quarter of the fifteenth century. Their origins can be traced back to the sculpture still in the strong connection with architecture, with the statue from Saint Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna as the most prominent example. The author of Virgin Mary and Child in Krzywaczka must have repeated the composition of Madonna of Krumlow or Vimperk without knowing these examples, copying it from sculptures imitating those mentioned above. This type of statue was quite popular in Austria. It could also be found in other centres. Although Mary in Krzywaczka without a doubt shows an inspiration with Czech art, Austria was the most influential centre when it comes to the figure’s form. Even though currently it is not possible to find the genesis of the style directly in works of Master of Seeon, it is still right to come back to the concept of its origins coming from the way it was formed in Austria. The statue in Krzywaczka was created in a school, which was familiar with Czech art, as indicated by its similarity to – for instance – Madonna of Vimperk.


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