This articles touches upon a parish church in Targoszyce-Mięrzecice, a village situated in the region of Siewierszczyzna (Severia), which in XVIII lay within the Archdiocese of Krakow. Its beginnings supposedly date back to 14th century. In the course of analysis of accessible records an attempt was made to determine the date on which the parish church was erected. Furthermore, the article aimed at portraying the villages situated within its scope. Apart from that, the community living under ecclesiastical care of this parish was described, including the administrator and the issue of parish’s financial maintenance. Particular attention was paid to determining the asset size (mainly consisting of sacred buildings and architecture of the kind) belonging to the local church. Events which occurred at the outset of 16th century in Targoszyce brought about its ruin. What followed was a huge drop in parish’s value, as well as certain reorganization measures put into effect inter alias by transferring its site to Mierzęcice. It was only at the close of 18th century that owing to the initiative of the local administrator steps were taken to rebuild Targoszyce, the first measure being the construction of a new parish house in the village.