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Vol. 123 (2015): Our Past


Attemps of the clerygy to take up the parish of St. James in Olsztyn before 1466

  • Radosław Krajniak
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2015-06-30


The article takes up for the first time in historiography the issue of the attempts of the clergy to take up the parish church of St. James in Olsztyn before 1466. In existing studies either on the church itself or – more broadly – the history of the diocese of Warmia, only one parish priest from the period in question was mentioned. The re-search made by the author of the article, based mainly on the material of the papal prov-enance, has allowed to considerably broaden the list of priests attempting to take up the parish in Olsztyn in the 1420s and 1430s. Apart from presenting all known medieval facts from the history of the parish and relating the clergy’s attempts to take up the church in Olsztyn, the article includes detailed biographic entries of those priests who have been found to have taken up the parish of Olsztyn or to have tried to do so. Keywords


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