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Vol. 123 (2015): Our Past


The history of the church organ in the church of the sacred heart at Piaski Wielkie in Cracow

  • Piotr Matoga
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2015-06-30


The parish archive at Piaski Wielkie, Cracow abounds in documents connected with the history of the church organ. The parish church was built in the 1920s. In 1944 it was fur-nished with a small temporary organ borrowed from the parish in Prokocim. The instru-ment, built in 1924 by Stanisław Żebrowski from Cracow, was returned to Prokocim in 1945. Already in 1944 Rev. Franciszek Dźwigoński, the parish priest of that time, ordered a new 15-rank pneumatic organ from Gebrüder Rieger company from Jägerndorf. Because of the war activities the organ never arrived at Piaski Wielkie. In the years 1948-1949 the parish made attempts to buy a second-hand instrument, which was to be brought over from the Recovered Territories. Rev. Dźwigoński exchanged letters on this subject with Marian Śliwiński, a staff member of Wrocław Polytechnic and an amateur organ-builder, who interceded in the procedure of restitution of post-German church organs after World War II. At first, the church at Piaski Wielkie was to get a 14-rank pneumatic instrument from Stare Rochowice, however it was assigned to the parish of Rudno. Later, Śliwiński wrote about the church organ from Rościszew, Gniechowice, Barków Wielki and Gostków. At the end of 1949 the parish priest received information about the allocation of the instru-ments having been suspended. In this situation he ordered a new church organ in Wacław Biernacki’s company in Cracow. The 15-rank pneumatic instrument, built in 1951-1952, has functioned in the church up to the present day.


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