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Vol. 99 (2003): Our Past


Precedence of the bishops of the Gniezno province in Piast Poland

  • Jacek Maciejewski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2003-06-30


The article analyzes one of the elements necessary to understand the functioning of this small but very influential social elite in the Middle Ages, which was the Polish episcopate. Almost until the end of the twelfth century, the order of precedence of Polish bishops was regulated by the canon law that preferred the principle of personal seniority. However, in the era of feudal decay (late 12th century to 1320) priority has become a very contentious issue. The revival of royal power in the 14th century resulted in the appointment of a king able to transfer bishops from one diocese to another, this practice fell into disuse to be suspended in the previous century. This in turn paved the way for change when determining the order of precedence, the personal seniority of the bishops provided the path to the seniority of the bishoprics themselves.


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