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Vol. 97 (2002): Our Past


The monastery and parish of the Bernardine Fathers in Janów in Podolia

  • Maria Dębowska
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2002-06-30


The needs of the Roman Catholic residents of Janów, a small borderland town at the confluence of the Śniwoda and Boh rivers, were not ignored by Adam and Salomea Chołoniewski, the town’s owners in the middle of the 18th century. In 1754, a Roman Catholic chapel was consecrated in Janów by the Deputy Bishop of Bracław. It was first affiliated with the parish of Pików, then with the parish of Winnica. In accordance with the founders’ wish, Janów was entrusted to the Bernardines. In 1779, soon after the death of her husband, Salomea Chołoniewska had the Bishop of Łuck and Brześć, F.P. Turski, approve a scheme to build a Bernardine convent in Janów under the auspices of the Ruthenian province of the Order. As the founders’ plans were matched by generous funding, the construction of both the convent and church began in 1780. Moreover, Salomea Chołoniewska made arrangements for the payment of regular stipends to the Janów friars. In 1781, the Chapter of Zasław appointed Father Lambert Halkiewicz as the first superior of the Janów convent. On 10 February 1782, the Deputy Bishop of Bracław entrusted to him the parish of Janów, which contained, in addition to the town, a dozen neighboring villages. The Janów convent fared best in the late 1780s after the Chapter of Lublin authorized it in 1784 to have as many as seven priests and four brethren. At all other times, the convent seems to have been operating below strength. The Bernardine convent at Janów functioned until 1832, when it was dissolved like most convents and monasteries in the Russian-ruled Kingdom of Poland. The parish of Janów, which was not abolished, could be looked after by priests from the Diocese of Kamieniec, to which Janów was attached in 1798.


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