Church supervisions in Zagłębie Dąbrowskie region at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries 325-345 Dorota Rosińska
Congratulatory letters to the editor on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee - "Our Past". 7-20 Stefan Wyszyński, Karol Wojtyła, Antoni Baraniak, Bolesław Kominek, James Richardson, Kazimierz Kowalski, Wincenty Urban, Walenty Wójcik
Congress of Priests Professors and Lecturers of the History of Church”, Major Seminary in Tarnów, April 20-22, 2022, p. 219-229. 2.219-229 Stanisław Cieślak
Criticism of Sovietism in the Catholic press of the Second Polish Republic in the perspective of the periodical "Tęcza" 165-192 Przemysław Sołga
Cult of authenticity and return to Slavic roots. Project of sculptural decoration of the cathedral of Christ the King in Katowice and the myth of Cyril and Methodius 203-217 Jerzy Gorzelnik
Decree by Cardinal Adolf Bertram on 21 November 1920 and by Father Achilles Ratti, later Pope Pius XI 287-306 Józef Bańka
Directoria and schematisms of the diocese of Żmudź from 1853-1914 held inthe diocesan archives in Kielce 291-319 Piotr Kardyś
Eastern Orthodox church buildings in the policy of central and local authorities of the Secon Republic of Poland 377-402 Piotr Zubrowski