The event connected with the imprisonment of Bishop Thomas I of Wroclaw has been described in chronicles and other sources referring to the history of church in Silesia. The article focuses on the efforts undertaken by Polish Episcopate to defend and release the imprisoned Bishop of Wroclaw Thomas I and to punish Duke Boleslaw II the Horned. The aim of the publication is to reveal the cohesion and bravery of Polish Episcopate not only during the peaceful times but also when the sovereign threatens bodily harm against his countryman. The article proves that polish Bishops undertake definite activities which result in the release of Bishop Thomas I of Wroclaw. It is also important to mention the inflexibility of Bishop Thomas I himself. Moreover the publication proves that bishops are firmly against the dukes ‘temptation to overtake church property. The article also shows the aspiration of bishops to unify Poland under a strong king’s leadership in order to stop the feudal fragmentation and the dukes’ struggle for primacy. The article should find its follow-ups in general elaborations referring to the state – church relationship concerning the church property as well as the influence of church on the unification of Poland.
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