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Vol. 23 No. 2 (2015)

Church history

The Foundation of the Metropolitan See of Wroclaw in 1930

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Published: 2019-12-04


In the new, post-war circumstances, the Holy See preferred to sign one concordat with the new German state. However, as this turned out impossible, E. Pacelli, the nuncio, arrived at signing a concordat with Bavaria in 1924, and from 1915 led intensive negotiations towards signing one with Prussia. With the important support of the Prussian episcopate and their president, Cardinal A. Bertram, the negotiations resulted in a successful signing of the concordat on August 14, 1929. By the force of the executive bull Pastoralis Officii Nostri of August 13, 1930, Wrocław became the seat of the new eastern Metropolitan See in Germany. The following were incorporated into it as the suffragan dioceses: the diocese of Warmia, which since 1821 had been directly dependent on the Holy See, the newly erected Diocese of Berlin, and the Prelature of Piła (Praelatura nullius).


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