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No. 1/18 (2023)


On the question of inter-Slavic homonymy: General theoretical and practical review

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-06-14


The article deals with the very topical theme of interlingual homonymy. This issue is considered at all levels of the language: phonetics, lexis, semantics, morphology, syntax, stylistics and phraseology. A theoretical substantiation of the reasons for the emergence of homonyms is given, and complete and partial pairs of homonyms are considered. This issue is important, especially for closely related languages, in particular for the Slavic community, which disintegrated relatively late, when compared with other Indo-European language groups (V–VI centuries AD). Much attention is paid to this issue in Slavic studies, however, the timeliness of the current article lies in the fact that it offers a broad overview with the maximum possible coverage of all three groups of Slavic languages, geographically starting with Russian and Ukrainian in the east, Polish, Czech and Slovak in the west, Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian in the south of the Slavic world and ending with peripheral Slovenian.


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