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No. 13 (2019)


Speech analysis tools - overview of available programs and libraries

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2020-03-25


The article presents a list of popular speech analysis tools in the form of programs available online to download and in the form of libraries in various programming languages. The first part presents programs used to visualise, to edit, to analyse the speech signal (for example, measurements of the fundamental frequency, intensity or formants) and annotation (segmentation, transcription and labelling of recordings). The second part presents selected libraries available on the GitHub website, which are used for acoustic, phonetic-phonological and prosodic analysis of speech. All tools have been described taking into account their functions and capabilities, sources, authors, licenses on which they are made available. The last chapter of the article presents the evaluation of the described programs taking into account the number and usability of their functions.


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