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No. 11 (2017)


To make sense of the foreign language lesson - theoretical considerations and educational solutions regarding creativity and strategy in formal teaching

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2018-02-06


One of the basic assumptions of foreign language teaching methodology is that one learns through meaningful actions. The term “meaningful actions” will always be somehow vague because sense is made of actions by specific individuals, so there is always some subjective evaluation involved. Therefore, it is not easy to make class activities meaningful in the formal setting of foreign language teaching, taking into account for example the number of students participating in a single class. However, it is not impossible, either. This article assumes that one of the many possibilities to make sense of FLT processes is when the teacher carries out creative thinking training and strategic training, both of them integrated with the objectives and contents of regular classes. This choice is explained and justified by the constructivism paradigm, contemporary educational needs, as well as the social circumstances. Eventually, the article presents FLT applications within the trainings mentioned above.


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