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Vol. 61 (1984): Our Past


Consecrations of churches and altars in the Krakow diocese in the 17th-18th centuries

  • Jan Kracik
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1984-06-30


The invocations of churches and altars indicates the scope and extent of the cult of individual saints. Their duration and the changes they underwent are recorded in the records of episcopal visitations, which therefore contain sources of great importance to the historian. Or, during their visits, the bishops were primarily interested in the consecration itself, the course of the liturgy, and less in its date, which was recorded in accordance with documents and wall inscriptions. Hence errors, omissions and inaccuracies. The still unused "Libri ordinatorum, consecrationis ecclesiarum, altarium" of the Krakow diocese, created in the years 1646–1782, contains source materials of obvious value. These books were compared with the lists of visitations carried out in 1747-1749, which made it possible to inventory churches and consecrated altars. Their publication will probably serve to more precisely date the establishment of places of worship in honor of saints and to study their popularity, whose images modeled the Sunday imagination of several generations of believers on the fundamental truths and figures of Catholicism, both local and global.


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