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Vol. 133 (2020): Nasza Przeszłość


Fr Józef Krzysikiewicz, OFM in chronicle notes from 1880-1883

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Published: 2021-05-21


Over the centuries, the Capuchin Order has educated many distin-guished monks. Among them was also Fr Józef Krzysik (Krzysikiewicz), who lived from 1800 to 1882. He rendered great service for every Capuchin monastery in Po-land he stayed in, including the Krosno community. The chronicles of this monastery proved to be a valuable source, rich in information about Fr Józef. The second volume, which covers the years 1837–1903, reference AKKR 16, entitled Chronoliae Conventus Liber Secundus mentions him three times. The first note can be found on pages 128–131. The author is Rev Karol Fischer, who later became an auxiliary bis-hop of Przemyśl. The second excerpt can be found on page 136v. Its author, however, is unknown. The third note is found on page 137, and its author is Fr Florian Janocha, Capuchin. All notes come from the years 1880–1883.


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