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Vol. 104 (2005): Our Past


The instructions for the teacher of the parish school in Dobromil of 1763. The contribution to the history of old Polish education

  • Roman Pelczar
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2005-12-30


The purpose of this article is to introduce the reader to a document found in the files of the parish of Dobromil in the Archdiocesan Archives in Przemyśl. "The instruction" is a form of detailed instruction on the organisation of the life of the local parish school. Several problems can be highlighted in it. The first (and the most comprehensive) is the religious preparation of the youth, taking into account the most important elements of Catholic doctrine (catechism) and the religious duties of the children in this regard (recitation of the Psalms, daily participation in Mass, monthly confession and Holy Communion, participation in votive services, listening to lessons and sermons in church and school on Sundays and holidays). Another issue raised by the parish priest was the curriculum, which included reading, writing and arithmetic. He also ordered that free time (recreation) should be organised for the pupils. He also instructed that new pupils should be taught by more advanced pupils. Another interesting provision is the order to teach girls. However, they were to be taught separately from the boys. An organist was appointed as their teacher.


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