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Vol. 59 (1983): Our Past


Pilica parish during the years of national captivity

  • Henryk Błażkiewicz
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1983-06-30


Political changes resulted in the reorganization of the church structure. The Pilica parish was separated from the Krakow diocese and the Wolhrom deanery, and from then on became the seat of the newly established Police deanery. On November 7, 1797, the Prussian Department of Foreign Affairs decided to annex "New Silesia", which also included Pilica, to the Wrocław diocese, which was also confirmed by Pope Pius VII on September 9, 1800. The actual return of the parish to the Kraków diocese took place only on October 22 1811. It became possible thanks to the annexation of the Pilica parish to the Duchy of Warsaw, after the Peace of Tilsit in 1807. However, already in January 1813, Russian troops entered the area, and since the Congress of Vienna (May 3, 1815), when the Kingdom of Poland was established , connected with Russia, the Pilica parish also belonged to the Kingdom.


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