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Vol. 73 (1990): Our Past


As they walked, they instructed. Sidziniar evangelization

  • Jan Kracik
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1990-06-30


Wojciech Blaszyński, parish priest (1844-66) in Sidzina at the foot of Babia Góra, a zealous parish priest, a tireless catechist, heard confessions of his parishioners and a whole host of people who came from far away. He fought against drinking and immorality, but also against illiteracy. He disseminated catechisms, but also tried to improve the material standard of living of his mostly poor parishioners. The women he prepared, and rarely men, taught penitents the basic truths of faith and the conditions of confession, especially general confession. After the founder's death, the movement was maintained by several young priests. Emphasis was placed on the sacrament of penance, including an in-depth examination of conscience and compensation. An attempt was made to mobilize society against public sinners. When classifying sins, violations of the commandment to keep Sunday and other church commandments were emphasized.


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