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Vol. 82 (1994): Our Past


On the manuscripts of the Bernardine monastery in Vilnius

  • Wiktoria Gonczarowa
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1994-12-30


The article discusses chorale manuscripts from the monastery of the Bernardine Fathers in Vilnius, which were discovered during preparations for the Catalog of chorale manuscripts in Baltic collections. The author notes that although most of the manuscripts are modern sources from the 18th and 19th centuries, there are also a dozen or so monuments from the late Middle Ages. Of the 12 revealed manuscripts with musical notation, most were probably produced in the Vilnius monastery and show common features in writing and decoration. The paleographic features of most of them indicate that they were created between 1469 and 1494. The manuscripts also include foreign sources, such as the 15th-century Psalter from Poland or the Italian Gradual from the 14th century, which was enriched with numerous additions, primarily in the Vilnius monastery. Research suggests that the manuscripts of the monastery of the Bernardine Fathers can provide new information about the history of the musical culture and chorale tradition of the Bernardine Order in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The author notes that careful searches in current Vilnius collections may contribute to the discovery of new monuments. Manuscript descriptions include standard elements such as title, date, library, call number, language, material, volume, musical notation, binding, state of preservation, scriptor, illuminator, provenance and internal contents.


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