"...Ego minimus fratrum...". On the authorship of the second part of the Book of Henryków 63-75 Rościsław Żerelik
"Eine Berichtigung einer Berichtigung". Antwort dem Institutfür ostdeutsche Kultur und Kirchengeschichte 221-242 Wincenty Urban
"Friend of Christian Truth ". A monographic sketch of the first Polish theological journal: Szkic monograficzny pierwszego polskiego czasopisma teologicznego 201-236 Jan Kwolek, Dominik Bialic
"God, the Vatican, governments, red crosses forgot about us...": I am alive - a selection of answers to the survey of Fr. Prof. K. Michalski from 1945, addressed to former political prisoners from the times of the German occupation, Krakow 2012 233-239 Joanna Lubecka
"School without discipline is like a mill without water" - the problem odf school discipline during the period before the partitions 91-103 Joanna Szady
15th century statue of the Virgin Mary and Child in Krzywaczka as an example of a late work in international style from the Lesser Poland region about 1400 25-57 Iwona Darska
A gloss about a certain 17th century wooden churchin greater Poland that became a monunent to the "Immortal fame" of the 104-year-old 57-80 Aleksander Jankowski
About the churches and parishes of Stryszów and Zakrzów in the diocese of Cracow 191-233 Franciszek Lenczowski
About the old house of the Black Madonna. The history of the icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa 125-141 Franciszek Kotula
Andrzej Łaskarz of Gosławice of the coat of arms of Godziemba, Bishop of Poznań 125-170 Marian Frontczyk
Baroque sermons as a source for the research on shaping the mechanisms of the attitudes of the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland 89-124 Robert Kościelny
Bibliography of the contents of the semi-annual magazine "Our Past", vol. 101-125 475-500 Wacław Umiński