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No. 1/18 (2023)


“Dictionary of the modern Bulgarian literary language” in the digital age

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-06-14


The article presents the experience of a team of lexicographers from the Institute of the Bulgarian Language at the BAS using modern technologies to develop a lexicographic resource based on a digitized version of one of the most significant achievements of Bulgarian lexicography in the third quarter of the 20th century – the three-volume “Dictionary of the Modern Bulgarian Literary Language”. The Dictionary, published in the period 1955–1959, reflects the state of norms of the Bulgarian language from the middle of the last century. In a number of respects it has already lost relevance. This necessitates a partial revision and modernization of its content and bringing it into line with modern language norms. The article reveals the place of the “Dictionary of the Modern Bulgarian Literary Language” in the history of Bulgarian lexicography, briefly presents the main principles for compiling the dictionary and the peculiarities of the microstructure of the dictionary. It also comments on issues related to the conversion of the printed edition into an electronic lexicographic resource, which can be used not only as a source of information about the semantics and usage of the main part of the modern Bulgarian vocabulary, but also for research purposes.


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