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Vol. 120 (2013): Our Past


The organ in the missionary church of Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle in Cracow in Stradom street

  • Piotr Matoga
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2013-12-30


The erection of the first organ in Stradom church began no earlier than in 1732 and ended before 1745. The name of the organ builder remains unknown. With the passage of years the instrument, which originally had 17 stops, was repaired many times. In 1827 Piotr Radwański received a payment for renovation. In the years 1845-1848, behind the regency casing of the 18th century organ, a new one was built by Ignacy Wojciechowski from Cracow, with 12 stops and one manual with a pedal. Between 1874 and 1892 Tomasz Wojciechowski, Ignacy’s son, took care of the organ. Before 1875 one more stop was built and in 1901 a renovation conducted by Tomasz Fall from Szczyrzyc took place. In the 1920s Stanisław Żebrowski from Cracow first repaired the bellows (in 1921) and then repaired the organ (in 1928) and added some unspecified pipes. In the years 1962-1963 a company of Wacław Biernacki from Cracow built a new instrument using the 18th century casing and some of the pipes from the previous organ.


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