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Vol. 60 (1983): Our Past


Spiritual deficiencies of a Beskid village on the eve of the establishment of the Spytkowice parish in 1758

  • Jan Kracik
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1983-12-30


Insufficient sources of religious and church awareness among classes who can barely read include the minutes prepared by the parish foundation. Not only the land under the benefice was required, but also the consent of the parish priest of the previous parent parish and the consent of the landowner who had the right of patronage there. In case of opposition, the bishop could make an unconditional decision and erect a new parish despite the opposition. So first we examined the circumstances. The faithful were responsible before the episcopal commission: whether the church was accessible (distance, time and route disruptions), whether someone died due to distance without baptism and consumption, what pastoral care looks like, whether people know the principles of faith and prayer, whether public crimes occur, etc. The witness's testimony was included in the transcript in the deed of establishment; therefore, the minutes themselves were not carefully kept. Such a protocol from the Beskid village of Spytkowice from 1758 has been uniquely preserved in the archives of the Metropolitan Curia in Krakow. Before the foundation of the church, which was funded by the local landowner Roman Sierakowski, the standard bearer of the Krakow Voivodeship, Spytkowice belonged to two parishes - Jordanów and Raba. Some of the inhabitants of the border village were connected with the parish in Podwilek, even though this parish was already located in Hungary. In this triangle lived people who were 5-15 km away from the church. Their customs, religious practices and connections with the clergy are expressed accordingly. But they are more valuable than just a piece of local history. They provide a closer insight into the thinking and attitude of people who are almost silent in primary sources.


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