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Vol. 80 (1993): Our Past


Jews and Christians in Volhynia in the 16th-18th centuries

  • Zenon Guldon
  • Jacek Wijaczka
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1993-12-30


In 1629, approximately 770,000 people lived in Volhynia in 115 towns and 2,260 villages. At the end of the 18th century, Volhynia had over 900,000 inhabitants. The beginnings of Jewish settlement in these areas date back to the 15th century. In 1569, the poll tax was paid by Jews from 31 cities. During the Khmelnytsky Uprising, the Jewish nation suffered serious losses. Massacres of Jews took place in cities such as Dubno, Konstantynów, Ostróg, Połonne and Zasław. In 1662, the poll tax was paid by 4,146 Jews from 66 kahals. The record book from 1765 showed 51,736 Jews in Volhynia, over a quarter of whom lived in rural settlements. There were 88 kahals at that time. The pastoral letters of the bishops of Lutsk make it possible to present clerical views to the Jewish nation in the years 1722-1759. Bishop Antoni Kobielski emphasized the importance of converting Jews. Other writings sought to separate Christians from Jews and limit the role of the latter. From the end of the 17th century, Jews were accused of committing ritual murders. The most famous trials took place in the mid-18th century in Zasław and Jampol.


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