A sketch of the history of the Cistercian abbey in Owińska. 750th anniversary of the foundation 531-548 Krzysztof Ratajczak
A voice in the discussion on the beginnings of the General Study of the Dominicans in Krakow 77-100 Krzysztof Kaczmarek
Aabbot Engelbert of Byszewo-Koronowo and his life of St Jadwiga Śląska 33-62 Krystyna Zielińska-Melkowska
Alojzy Szudrowicz, The Kruszwica Chapter on the thousandth anniversary of the establishment of the bishopric in Kruszwica, Pejzaż Publishing House, Kruszwica-Bydgoszcz 2013 441-446 Radosław Krajniak
Among the Silesian Cistercian monasteries. The foundation in Krzeszów and its beginnings 49-58 Franciszek Lenczowski
An unknown fragment of the history of the Cistercians in Poland. Abbot Zbigniew, martyr from Koprzywnica 293-295 Karol Górski
Are the relics of the Holy Cross Tree in the Świętokrzyskie region the lost relics of the King of Serbia, Stefan Urosz I 19-48 Karolina Maciaszek
Attemps of the clerygy to take up the parish of St. James in Olsztyn before 1466 93-112 Radosław Krajniak
Attempt at identifying names "Bronyk" and "Brysk" in relation to the intervening of Brandenburgian graf Zygmunt Luksemburski against Bartosz from Odolanów in 1381-1382 25-37 Grzegorz Jacek Brzustowicz
Attempts to include the Jagiellonian states in the anti-Turkish coalition of Pope Alexander VI at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries 5-50 Krzysztof Baczkowski
Between crime and punishment. A contribution to the history of guilt in Old Polish society 325-364 Robert Kościelny
Between Krakow and Leipzig. The school province of the Polish Cistercians in the Middle Ages 125-138 Krzysztof Kaczmarek
Biblical genealogy and the lineage of the Slavs in the first book of "Annales" by Jan Długosz 83-116 Krystyna Pieradzka
Biblical threads in the legend of "Tempore illo", a legend on the life of St Wojciech (Adalbert) 5-46 Dagmara Wójcik
Bibliography of the contents of the semi-annual magazine "Our Past", vol. 101-125 475-500 Wacław Umiński