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Vol. 28 No. 1 (2020)

Pastoral theology

Kerygmatic Catechesis in the History of the Church

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Published: 2020-06-29


From the analysis of the catechesis over the centuries it can be concluded that the origin and development of kerygma dates to the beginning of the Church. Catechesis has always been the basis for the renewal of faith. In the history of the Church each century has pursued its own style of preaching kerygma. At the beginning of the Church it was the first proclamation of Jesus Christ. Over the course of the centuries the achievements of this trend have taken root in catechesis, thus bringing abundant fruit. Pope Francis in his statements, and especially in his Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, bearing in mind the contemporary crisis of faith in the Church, refers to the tradition of kerygmatic catechesis.


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