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Vol. 99 (2003): Our Past


Augustinians studying in Krakow in the 15th century

  • Krzysztof Kaczmarek
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2003-06-30


The aim of this work was to prepare a list of Augustinian brothers studying at the Jagiellonian University in the 15th century and to determine the importance of this university as part of the further education of some orders at the end of the Middle Ages. University sources state that there were 16 Augustinian monks who taught or studied in Krakow, most of them residents of the monastery of St. Catherine in Kazimierz. Compared to the number of students from other orders, the group of Augustinians was rather small, so Krakow did not play a major role in the upbringing of the monks. It seems that this was a consequence of the fact that Augustinian monasteries in Poland belonged to the German provinces of the order, i.e. priors were obliged to send their students to German universities. If a Polish province of the Augustinian Order had been established in the Middle Ages, it would undoubtedly have developed its own system of further education, supported by the local "studium generale".


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